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Authentic Experiences

By making the extra effort to step off the beaten path, you'll experience the world in a way that is never seen from the middle of a crowd of tourists.




Stepping away from the people & places that have shaped our corner of the world allows us to approach life through a clear lens- without the views, opinions & biases we were born into.


Human Connection

Travel helps us understand other cultures, shape shifting bigotry into global friendships. 


Our Mission

To design a future that's chock-full of global understanding & acceptance through authentic experiences

Meet the Founder

Bailey Smith grew up in a small, rural town in Washington state with very limited diversity. She remembers road tripping 2-hours to Seattle with her mom in her early teens & thinking the big city was "like a whole new world!"


Her love of travel hit full force in college, when she went on a service trip to Swaziland, studied abroad in Costa Rica & spent half a summer backpacking in Ecuador. "Service trips broke my heart in the best way possible. They opened my eyes to how big God's calling is to love your neighbor. Then, solo travel pushed me to dive deeper into my own belief system. It taught me how to lean into my strengths & explore my own curiosities without judgement," she says, "And I think everyone deserves to experience that in their lifetime."


Bailey's career took off in international sales & marketing before she started  planning travel for others as a side gig. Indie Travel Design is the combination of her skills & experience in the business world with her passion for helping others experience travel. 

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Ephesians 4:1-3

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